There are things that are so serious that you can only
joke about them
Werner Heisenberg
too late do we realize that "life"was those very minutes and hours we wished so badly to pass.(Dale Carnegie)
It is only intelligence that is divided equally
between people
because everybody thinks he/she is enough wise
René Descartes
the kites always rise with adverse winds
When god solves your problems, you have faith in his abilities, when god doesn’t solve your problems he has faith in your abilities.
Often when we lose hope and think
this is the end, God smiles from above and says, "Relax ,sweetheart, its
just a bend ,not the end!"
Worrying doesn’t takes away
tomorrows troubles; it takes away today's peace.
You will reap what you plant in your minds farm.
A warm smile is the universal language of kindness
You will reap what you plant in your minds farm.
A warm smile is the universal
language of kindness
Live a good, honorable life.then when you get older
and think back, you
will be able to enjoy it a second time.
A warm smile is universal language of kindness.
Every thing in the End is ok . if it isnt ok ,then it isnt the End
Hi every ones
I don't know how it happen but i know that
one day u should decide 2 say what u know is useful .
its just what cause i START
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